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10% Stake Offered to Fans and Investors



Watford FC, a prominent English football club, is embarking on a groundbreaking venture by announcing plans to sell a 10% stake in the team to both fans and investors alike. This unique move signifies a departure from the traditional methods of fan engagement, offering enthusiasts an opportunity to become true stakeholders in the club’s future.

Teaming up with Republic, a digital-asset investment firm based in New York, Watford FC is set to revolutionize fan involvement in sports clubs. The collaboration aims to manage the sale of equity, providing supporters with a chance to be more than just spectators but genuine partners in the team’s journey.

In the past, sports clubs often resorted to fan funding through loans, but the concept of granting fans actual ownership in the form of equity remains relatively rare, particularly in the UK. By offering digital shares that carry dividends, Watford FC is setting a precedent in the footballing world, bridging the gap between supporters and club ownership.

With a reported revenue of £66.2 million ($84.6 million) and a valuation of £175 million, Watford FC is making waves not only on the field but also in the realm of finance. Despite investors not having voting rights, the prospect of receiving dividends marks a significant departure from conventional ownership structures in football clubs.

The move reflects the ambition of Watford FC’s leadership, led by chairman and CEO Scott Duxbury, to propel the club back into the Premier League spotlight. This strategic initiative aligns with the club’s long-term vision while fostering a deeper sense of community and engagement among its loyal fan base.

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