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“It felt as though there were three guitars behind me that night”: The night Jimi Hendrix saved Engelbert Humperdinck



“It Felt as Though There Were Three Guitars Behind Me That Night”: The Night Jimi Hendrix Saved Engelbert Humperdinck


In one of the most remarkable and unlikely encounters in music history, Jimi Hendrix, the legendary rock and blues guitarist, stepped in to save a performance for none other than the British crooner Engelbert Humperdinck. The event, which has since become a favorite anecdote for music lovers, took place in the late 1960s when both artists were at the height of their powers, albeit in vastly different musical spheres.


### A Surprising Crossroads


The year was 1967, and Engelbert Humperdinck was riding high on the success of his breakout single, *Release Me*, which had shot to the top of the UK charts, preventing The Beatles from achieving their 13th number one hit with *Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever*. Humperdinck, known for his smooth ballads and romantic performances, was quickly becoming a household name. That same year, Jimi Hendrix was making waves across the world with his revolutionary approach to the electric guitar, pushing the boundaries of rock and blues with his debut album, *Are You Experienced*.


As fate would have it, both artists found themselves in the same city, performing at different venues. Humperdinck’s concert was in jeopardy when his lead guitarist fell ill just hours before the show. With no backup plan in sight, Humperdinck’s team scrambled to find a replacement. That’s when the most unexpected offer came from Jimi Hendrix himself, who happened to be staying at the same hotel as Humperdinck.


Despite the vast difference in their musical styles, Hendrix, known for his spontaneous nature, offered to fill in as the guitarist for the night. Humperdinck, desperate to avoid canceling the show, accepted the offer, albeit with some reservations. Little did he know that this decision would result in one of the most unique and talked-about performances of his career.


### A Night to Remember


The audience, unaware of the last-minute substitution, was treated to a show unlike any other. As Humperdinck took the stage to perform his signature romantic ballads, a young Jimi Hendrix stood behind him, guitar in hand. Dressed in his usual flamboyant attire, Hendrix might have seemed out of place at first, but as soon as his fingers touched the strings, he melted seamlessly into the music.


For most of the show, Hendrix played with restraint, perfectly complementing Humperdinck’s crooning style. His versatility as a musician shone through, as he adapted his dynamic, explosive guitar skills to the gentler tones of Humperdinck’s music. But Hendrix being Hendrix, he couldn’t resist adding a few signature flourishes, subtly inserting his trademark bends and improvisations into the set. His playing was so powerful that Humperdinck later remarked, “It felt as though there were three guitars behind me that night.”


### Mutual Respect


The collaboration between the two artists, though unplanned, resulted in a stunning fusion of styles. After the show, both musicians shared a deep mutual respect for each other’s talents. Humperdinck, known for his smooth, traditional style, was amazed at Hendrix’s ability to so effortlessly integrate into the performance. “He was a magician with that guitar,” Humperdinck recalled in interviews years later. “He could do anything, and he made it seem easy.”


Hendrix, on the other hand, appreciated the challenge of playing in a setting that was so different from his usual gigs. He later spoke fondly of the experience, noting that it allowed him to explore a different side of his musicianship, one that wasn’t all about wild solos and loud amplifiers but about precision, control, and blending into an ensemble.


### A Legendary Tale


Though Hendrix and Humperdinck never performed together again, the story of that fateful night has lived on in music history. It stands as a testament to the versatility of both artists and the unexpected ways in which musical worlds can collide. For Humperdinck fans, it remains a delightful anecdote of a legendary rock guitarist stepping into the world of romantic ballads. For Hendrix fans, it’s another chapter in the unpredictable life of a musician who constantly pushed boundaries, even when the setting was as unlikely as a Humperdinck concert.


The night Jimi Hendrix saved Engelbert Humperdinck is a moment of pure serendipity, a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that highlights the universal language of music and the incredible talent of two musical legends.

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