In the year leading up to his untimely death, former One Direction member Liam Payne grappled with severe drug addiction, according to his friend Roger Nores. Nores, who is currently under investigation for “abandonment followed by death” in connection with Payne’s passing, revealed that the singer’s substance abuse issues had intensified during this period. He disclosed that Payne’s heroin use led to multiple hospitalizations and near-fatal incidents, necessitating several resuscitations.
Despite efforts to support him, including personal financial expenditures by Nores, Payne’s condition deteriorated. He frequently entered and exited rehabilitation facilities and reportedly declined assistance from his family. Although Payne managed to maintain sobriety for most of the summer of 2024, concerns about a potential relapse emerged upon his return to the UK. Nores expressed apprehension regarding Payne’s involvement in a Netflix show, given his fragile state, and eventually distanced himself after cautioning Payne’s management team.
Tragically, in October 2024, Payne died at the age of 31 after falling from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Witnesses reported erratic behavior leading up to the incident. A toxicology report revealed the presence of alcohol, cocaine, and antidepressants in his system at the time of his death.
The circumstances surrounding Payne’s death have prompted an investigation involving five individuals, including Nores, Payne’s alleged drug dealer, and hotel employees. Authorities are examining potential charges such as “abandonment of a person followed by death,” which could result in significant legal consequences. Judge Laura Bruniard is expected to decide on possible criminal charges after reviewing digital evidence and witness testimonies.
Payne’s passing has elicited an outpouring of grief from fans, friends, and former bandmates. Tributes have highlighted his musical talents and the struggles he faced in his personal life. The ongoing investigation seeks to provide clarity and accountability for the factors contributing to the singer’s tragic demise.