The water was deceptively calm, a mirror reflecting the azure sky. The sun beat down, turning the surface into a shimmering expanse. It was a perfect day for a swim, or so it seemed. But beneath the idyllic facade, a silent struggle was unfolding.
A young boy, no older than ten, had ventured too far from the shore. The current, subtle yet relentless, had pulled him away. He flailed, his limbs thrashing against the water, but his efforts only served to tire him further. Panic surged through him, his lungs burning with the need for air.
His cries for help were swallowed by the vastness of the sea. No one saw him struggle, no one heard his desperate pleas. He sank beneath the waves, the water closing over him like a cold, unforgiving embrace.
The world around him faded to a hazy blue. The sun, once a source of warmth, became a distant memory. His fight for survival, once fierce, dwindled to a faint flicker.
And then, silence.
The water, once a source of joy, had become his tomb.
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