Netflix is set to release an intriguing new documentary that pays tribute to the iconic heavy metal...
Luper Ivase
Country music icon Keith Urban is poised for an extraordinary 2024, having just announced a new album...
Netflix is gearing up to release a highly anticipated documentary focusing on the legendary heavy metal band,...
The tragic murder of James Jordan, Michael Jordan’s father, is once again at the forefront of discussion...
Howard Stern, renowned as the “King of All Media,” has once again stirred up excitement by launching...
Iconic singer-songwriter Richard Marx, celebrated for his classic hits such as “Right Here Waiting” and “Now and...
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has initiated a probe into Tesla’s self-driving software systems....
Cannibal Corpse has revealed thrilling details about their forthcoming album and a much-anticipated world tour. Following the...
In a surprising turn of events, Celtic’s head coach Brendan Rodgers reportedly experienced a significant clash with...
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, recently responded to suggestions that his company should acquire Rivian, a competing...